The Self-Sufficient Backyard
How To Transform A Typical Money-Draining House Into A Tiny Profitable Off-The-Grid Homestead OFFER LINK —
We are two of the “back to the land people” from the late 1970’s. We have been living off the grid for the last 40 years and we’ve enjoyed every bit of it.
In all that time an electric wire has never been connected to our house. We haven’t gotten or paid an electricity bill in over 40 years, but we have all the electricity we want. We grow everything we need, here, in our small backyard. We also have a small medicinal garden which has helped us get through some tough times. Just like our grandparents, we preserve everything we produce so we have all we need year-round.
But the most important thing is the feeling of not having to rely on anyone else for anything. It’s the feeling of being independent. Independent from the government’s help or charity, grocery chains, utility and energy companies, corporations and the Grid.
Now that we are both in our 60’s, we decided to downsize everything. We took all that we’ve learned during the last couple of decades and created our paradise retreat with one thing in mind: to make a self-sustaining, but low maintenance homestead that doesn’t need much work or expense.
Take Advantage of Our 40 Years Experience Living Off The Grid and Turn Your Home Into a Self-Sufficient Homestead
We would like to share with you all the projects we made here in our small paradise in minute detail so that you can start implementing them on your land or in your house and profit for the rest of your life.
We’ll also cover subjects in depth such as water, food preservation, off grid power, medicinal garden, you name it. We want to put in your hands helpful how-to illustrations … easy to follow, step-by-step advice … brilliant tips and ingenious time-savers. From all the projects you’ll find in The Self-Sufficient Backyard I’m pretty sure you’ll find some that are suitable for your property.
We’ve created what may well be the most comprehensive, step-by-step system to transform a regular homeowner or apartment dweller into an independent, self-sufficient homesteader.
Here’s just a glimpse of what you’ll find in: The Self-Sufficient Backyard: For The Independent Homesteader
First thing you’ll find out is that all you need to be self sufficient in terms of food are just 1,020 square feet of land per person, if you follow the methods we developed. That’s less than 10% of our entire ¼ acre parcel you can see in our sketch.
We developed this plan on quarter of an acre for a family of 4 to be totally self-sufficient, and have goods to sell and sustain a healthy profit year round. But we created it in such a way that it is easy to downsize if you have less land or fewer family members.
Then we go into minute details for each section.
How to make a cheap water collection system
I’ll also show you how to make the simplest water collection system and how you can easily implement it on your own homestead.
We don’t pay for irrigation water, as we collect and store every gallon we need in these inexpensive tanks.
We can also filter and drink it.
The 7 herbs you need in your Medicinal Garden
You will also discover the 7 plants you really need to have in a medicinal garden and not only how to care for them, but how to turn them into tinctures and other remedies. For the last 40 years we’ve been using these herbs, so how would you feel instead of paying for natural remedies or supplements to just pick them up from your backyard?
I’m not talking about folk remedies here, I’m talking about real plants that we found out over the last 4 decades that are very effective, and not something that you read on the internet.
When the plane took off from our homestead in Northern Saskatchewan and became a spec in the sky, the closest pharmacy was 100 miles away with no roads to get there. We would place our lives in the hands of these 7 plants and I think they should be in the backyards of every American concerned about their health.
How to Set Up Your Backyard Hybrid Electricity System at a Low Cost and Produce Your Own Electricity
You will also discover in minute detail how to set up one of the most reliable cost-effective hybrid electricity system for your house. We’ll show you what batteries to get for storage, what type of controller, cables, inverter… everything you need and how to set them up for maximum efficiency.
For the last 40 years, a wire from the power grid has never been connected to a home in which we’ve lived.
Using this inexpensive hybrid system we developed and perfected over the years, you’ll have an ultra-reliable source of power with no worries of any future price increases, outages from downed wires or deliberate attacks to the grid. Or, you can opt to sell the excess power back to the utility company if you choose to remain connected to the grid, making money off them instead of the other way around.
24-hour BIO insect control system. No pesticides in your backyard.
You will also find out how to make an automated 24-hour bio insect control system. Instead of using pesticides, you can grow all your produce organically by making a small swallow or bluebird house and a bat shelter.
They’ll take turns getting rid of the pests for you.
A bat can eat an astonishing 4,000 insects a night and a bluebird around 1000 bugs a day including cabbage worms, whiteflies, aphids, earwigs, grasshoppers, cucumber, various beetles and grubs!
Also their appetite for mosquitoes certainly makes a backyard more comfortable.
How to easily make your own root cellar
We will show you how we made different root cellars and how you can easily add whichever you want to your homestead.
From full sized, and under the house root cellars to small barrel or trash can root cellars, there’s surely something here for you.
How to get your own Independent Source of Water
In the Self-Sufficient Backyard, we cover homestead water supply in depth because the life blood of any homestead is a reliable water source.
We’ve tried a lot of things over the years: we dug wells, had a well drilled, pumped water from a lake and set up shallow and deep well hand pumps for water.
We even installed a simple hand pump next to our kitchen sink for convenience if the electric pump failed us.
Whatever water source you choose for your property, you will find it here with pictures and guidance to set it up. If your only source of water is the tap water from the public utility company, you are not independent. And you are paying for it.
How to get pressurized HOT water with this simple off the grid system
We’ll also show you a simple and ingenious solution that you can apply in your house to have pressurized hot water.
This system heats the water whenever we cook or heat the house, so we don’t pay extra to get hot water and neither should you.
The Handy Beehive — Grab Your Honey Jar Directly From The Hive
You’ll also discover how to set up beehives that will produce both delicious honey and help pollinate your trees and plants. A modification to the traditional hive is to make easy and handy beehives in jars.
How to make a “Year-Round Self-Sustaining Greenhouse” no matter where you live in America.
You’ll also find out how to make a year-round self-sustaining greenhouse no matter where you live in America.
You can place it on the south side of your house. We’ll also show you how to both collect and retain heat through the night, what materials to use, how to insulate it, the best angles for your area, how to get maximum glazing, how to ventilate it… and anything else you can think of.
We’ll also show you some upgrades you can add such as installing a window or vents that open into the greenhouse, so that whenever you ventilate the house in the winter, warm air goes into the greenhouse. In the spring and autumn, it’s the other way around, letting the warm air from the greenhouse flow and heat the house.
Using a cold frame in our Saskatchewan self-sustaining greenhouse, we were able to grow lettuce while two feet of snow were still on the ground. But even this is nothing compared to the ultimate upgrade you can bring to the greenhouse. We’re talking geothermal, using earth’s stored heat to our advantage. That’s because 10 feet below ground, the temperature is always stable at around 55 degrees, summer or winter, Texas or Maine. The way you can harness this stable underground temperature is to circulate the air from the greenhouse through underground loop pipes until it warms to almost 55 degrees. The only energy spent is with a very small fan that circulates the air through the tubes.
The Plant you can grow in tiny indoor spaces year round for an Extra Income
You will also discover our secrets to winter gardening. For example, we’re growing these highly nutritious microgreens inside the house during winter.
You can use this method to grow them in the basement creating your microclimate there if you are low on space. Just hang an artificial light overhead.
What makes them even more valuable is the fact that they only need 2 weeks to grow to the first cut. There will be many more to follow. This is one of the highest yields per square foot in a year.
Besides having four times higher concentration of nutrients than mature plants they are in high demand and usually sell very well. This is one of the easiest crops to grow and turn into money in our opinion.
The Other 6 Crops That Can Bring an Extra Income to a Small Homestead
These plants can be your “secret weapon” in turning a steady profit year after year without much of an effort. And if, just like us, you won’t have a big pension or you’re living on a fixed income, this can be your ticket to a stress-free retirement
You will find an entire chapter called “easy on the back gardening”.
Each one of our gardening projects you’ll find inside The Self-Sufficient Backyard is especially conceived for people with back problems.
There’s not much bending in these gardens.
100+ tips to save money that many people are paying needlessly right now
You will find around 100 tips and secrets scattered across the whole book, to save money on electricity, on food, on home repairs, on water, on tools, on house taxes, on heating… that you can begin implementing in your house right now and start saving a big part of the money you’re paying each month to big corporations.
The “Perpetual Mini-Tower” that turns every kitchen scrap you throw out into free and nutritious fertilizer for your plants
You will also find out how to power up a backyard perpetual compost garden using only the daily kitchen scraps you throw away.
When you water the plants or when it rains, both the water and the compost nutrients you place in the tower will flow outwards creating living soil thus feeding the plants. That’s exactly the kind of soil you need for record breaking harvests.
75+ DIY Projects For a Self Sustaining Backyard
You’ll find a lot of backyard projects that may find their way into your future homestead such as: chicken coop, hoop tunnels, walipini, trellises, raised beds, hay and strawbale gardens, container gardening, windowsill gardening, and a lot more.
50+ Chicken Coop Secrets for a Low Effort Organic Protein Source
You will find out everything you need to know about raising chickens, from egg to your dinner table. Chickens “done right” really are the most cost-effective protein source for any homesteader. We’ll show you simple tricks we discovered to make your each hen lay more than 300 eggs per year.
For example, one of the tricks we’ve learned before butchering is the night before to withhold all food from our chickens. There’s no need to waste the feed and we want to clean out their digestive systems. Allow them plenty of water though. This will make the whole process a lot easier.
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